Page name: fantasy art badge contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-08 20:20:44
Last author: Ayeaka
Owner: Ayeaka
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here is were you post entries for the Fantasy art badge contest. The same rules appy to this contest as do to the fantasy art gallery page. Oh, and maximun 3 entries.

1a. [Adnama] Version 1
Version 2

1b. [Adnama] I like this one best. ^_^

[Dumpysaurus] Here's a mediocre entry I cooked up with watercolors....
I hope that worked!

[Artmantastik]I share also...{:-}

back to Fantasy art
art links this is the place to post li nks to your art galleries!
fantasy art gallery this is the place to post fantasy pictures you did.
fantasy art badge contest we need a badge! feel free to enter!
fantasy poems art isn't only drawings, put your fantasy poems here!
fantasy stories you who is a writer, this is the place for you! ^_^
The Ultimate Character GuideA wonderful page, made by [GraphicEntropy] that you should definatly visit! It will definatly help you understand your charecter at a depth you never knew before.


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2004-05-09 [Saffron]: I understand this badge is for your own private gallery?

2004-05-11 [Dumpysaurus]: Hellooooo! This is a lonely page. So badges are those smallish pictures for wikis and such, right?

2004-05-11 [Ayeaka]: Yes. We desperatly need entries, and If we don't get some soon, I will be forced to delete the contest accoridng to site rules.

2004-05-12 [Dumpysaurus]: Well I'd better get to work then!

2004-05-12 [Ayeaka]: ^_^ Thankyou!

2004-05-17 [Adnama]: :O! No one has put anything up yet? I think I shall make some too then. :3

2004-05-17 [Dumpysaurus]: Eep, why must I procrastinate? And here I am with two more trades in line! Must.... draw.... badge!

2004-05-17 [Ayeaka]: ^_^;;;;

2004-05-19 [Adnama]: I have mine ready. ^_^ I used my art for these so they aren't copyrighted or anything. :3

2004-05-19 [Adnama]: There. :3 Hope you like'em! ^_^

2004-05-19 [Dumpysaurus]: O_O Shmoo on high, those are the best! Alot of the wiki badges I've seen look far less professional. Man, I've got a few sketches down, but I don't know if I have the gall to enter now!

2004-05-19 [Dumpysaurus]: And of course, now I need to see your Elfwood gallery, Adnama. I hope you've got one....

2004-05-20 [Adnama]: :O! Enter! I'll feel so bad if you don't! :x

2004-05-21 [Dumpysaurus]: Okay, there's SOMETHING. I have more ideas, BETTER ideas. >_<'

2004-05-21 [Dumpysaurus]: It's supposed to look all stylised and medieval-y. I put the square border thing on in Paint. Aren't I hi-tech?

2004-05-21 [Adnama]: That's awesome. ^_^ I like it a lot. I can never get straight lines like that in watercolor. I always have to outline my stuff in pen or something. :x

2004-05-23 [Dumpysaurus]: straight lines? If you mean the dragon and unicorn, they were colored pencil. Forgot to mention it!

2004-05-24 [TheNavigator]: *jaw dropes* Thows are all very good!! I'd enter but I don't have a scanner :(

2004-05-24 [TheNavigator]: I think we should have a page were there is more than one badge to chose from!

2004-05-24 [Dumpysaurus]: isn't THIS a page where there is more than one badge to choose from?

2004-05-24 [Ayeaka]: ^_^ Well, when I get enough entries, I will post a poll on my page fore the members to vote. I think majority vote is best, ne?

2004-05-24 [Dumpysaurus]: Definately! Grrr, must do more entries!!!

2004-05-24 [TheNavigator]: No theres to many good ones!! Can't choose!

2004-06-06 [Ayeaka]: I have decided that teh voting will take place after we have ten entries. Does that sound fair enough?

2004-06-06 [Ayeaka]: Or, I could randomize all of teh badge entries, so that a random picture shows up each time. That would be fairly easy for me to do, and I have picked up on quite a bit of html lately..........

2004-06-06 [Dumpysaurus]: At the rate these are coming in (no thanks to me), ten entries sounds like a good amount.

2004-06-06 [Dumpysaurus]: .....but I'm not sure I understand the randomizing thing. Sounds cool, I think!

2004-06-09 [Ayeaka]: *nods* I could give you a link to a tutorial.............but it would go right over your head, (trust me, it went right over mine) Mainly, I use a computer program that creates the text that I need for an asp, and then I just save it as the right filetype. You just link it like a normal image.

2004-06-09 [Dumpysaurus]: Sounds kuh-raaaazy!

2004-06-09 [Ayeaka]: Arghhh....damn, how come I can't get asp files to work on elftown? I'm going to ask around about that.....

2004-06-10 [Dumpysaurus]: Wish I had the brains to help. ^_^'

2004-06-10 [Ayeaka]: Maybe I should post the question in the forums?

2004-06-10 [Adnama]: That could work but you could always check with one of the Masters of building. They might have an answer to your question. ^_^

2004-06-10 [Ayeaka]: good idea!

2004-08-14 [Ayeaka]: This page is very very dead, ne?

2004-08-15 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, aye. No thanks to me, either.

2004-08-15 [Ayeaka]: Sorry I'm taking so long updating my gallery.....What with school and all. ^_^ Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the Pixie.

2004-08-16 [Dumpysaurus]: Oooooh yeah! I can't wait to see. I was thinking about that just the other day. Drop me an e-mail when it's up!

2004-08-16 [Ayeaka]: I will! ^_^ I redrew Xio too!

2004-08-16 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, blue-haired fellow, right? I forget...

2004-08-16 [Ayeaka]: No, the blue-haired elf is Skai. ^_^ Xio's the one with silver hair that coes down to his waist.

2004-08-16 [Dumpysaurus]: Ah, okay. It's been too long since I've been through your gallery!

2004-08-17 [Ayeaka]: As I yours. I ust go through it again! (And oggle your beautiful art)

2004-08-17 [Dumpysaurus]: ^_^ You're too kind!

2004-08-17 [Ayeaka]: ^_^

2004-10-23 [DawnUnicorn]: would anyone mind if a put up a badge in my 'favourite wikis' part of my house?

2004-10-24 [Dumpysaurus]: You're free to use mine. Criminy, it's an eyesore! I keep forgetting to work on another entry. O_O

2004-10-24 [DawnUnicorn]: well i think its lovely :p

2004-10-25 [Dumpysaurus]: Aww, gee whiz! *blushes*

2004-10-29 [Ayeaka]: Good lord it's been a while.. Sorry I was gone so long, guys! I forgot my password.. ^^'

2004-10-29 [Dumpysaurus]: Ahhh, so that was it!

2004-10-29 [Ayeaka]: Yesh. ^^' Now if I can just remember my elfwood password...

2005-02-08 [Dumpysaurus]: *faints* New entry! I thought this day would never come! O.O

2005-02-12 [Ayeaka]: Indeed. 0.o *wants so badly to add new pictures, but still can't remember her elfwood password*

2005-02-14 [Dumpysaurus]: Can't they send it to ya? >.>

2005-03-07 [Ayeaka]: I've changed my e-mail address since.. ^^' My yahoo e-mail adress doesn't exist anymore, and I think that's the one i have up there..

2005-03-07 [Dumpysaurus]: Oh, shnoggies.... >_<

2005-03-15 [Ayeaka]: Wheeeee! I remembered it! Now I can delete all of those old hideously crappy pictures from my gallery..and add my new ones! least, as soon as the mods get to my ticket.. 0.o

2005-03-15 [Dumpysaurus]: Oooh! It's been... darn close to a year, huh?

2005-03-26 [Ayeaka]: Yup. Deleted all my new pictures, and added new ones.. but now it means another month to update again.. They desperatly need new mods.. ^^'

2005-10-31 [Ayeaka]: Hnn.. I say we vote now. >.<

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